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Thursday, November 11, 2010

member blogger aku mohon buah fikiran korang

Selamat pagi,

Baru memasak menu tengahari, alhamdullilah pekerja citarasa rinduan, semuanya sejahtera…mana yang sakit dan demam….dah gagahkan diri bekerja, aku gembira sangat sambil memasak boleh fikir nak buatkan menu ikan bawal stim masam untuk en zalie…

Sambil tunggu ikan bawal masak, (guna oven)….aku terfikir nak kongsi buah fikiran dengan korang,

Begini kisahnya, memandangkan esok 12 hb November, en zalie akan tidur satu malam dihospital sultanah Aminah (HAS) untuk ujian sleep studynya…..

Aku inginkan kepastian kepada kawan-kawan yang pernah temankan ibubapa/saudara/adik beradik yang pernah buat ujian sleep study..kerana aku akan menemankan en zalie pada ujian dijalankan.

  1. selain keperluan diri, apakah yang perlu aku bawa?
  2. boleh bawa teman lebih dari sorang atau tidak?
  3. adakah ujian sleep study dibuat dalam bilik khas atau wad biasa?
  4. ujian akan diadakan pada waktu tidur (10 malam-6 pagi), adakah kami akan terus balik kerumah atau tunggu untuk ujian berikutnya?

Diharapkan member blogger boleh membantu ku…………untuk mengetahui apakah sleep study korang boleh lihat hasil google yang aku perolehi

Sleep Medicine

Preparing for an Overnight Sleep Study

What do I need to do for the overnight sleep study?

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, or napping the day of the test.
  • Bring comfortable clothing to sleep in. You may also bring your pillow, if you’d like.
  • Eat your normal dinner before you come in.
  • Shower and wash your hair. Do not put oils/lotions on your skin. Do not use hair products.
  • Bring any medications you may need to take before bedtime. You may bring a snack if your medical condition requires it.

Should I take my medications?

Yes, unless specifically instructed by your physician, take your medication as usual. Also, bring any medication you will need during the night or early in the morning. The Sleep Center does not provide medication or snacks. It is important for the Sleep Professionals to know what medications you are taking since many medications can affect sleep.

What will happen when I arrive at the sleep center?

After you are checked into the lab, a technician will greet you and show you to your room. The technician will explain the set-up procedure and answer any questions you may have. You should also inform the technician of any changes in your sleep or specific difficulties that you have not already discussed with your healthcare professional. You will be given time to change into your nightclothes and get ready for bed. There may be a waiting period while the technician applies the electrodes. You may read, watch TV, or relax during this time. If you have a commitment in the morning, be sure to inform the technician so they will be able to make sure you are out early enough in the morning. Otherwise, you can expect to be discharged between 6:00 – 6:30 in the morning.

What should I expect during the Sleep Study?

A sleep study, or polysomnogram, is a recording that includes measurements used to identify various sleep problems. During sleep testing, small metal disks (called electrodes) are applied to your head with adhesive. The adhesive is easily removed and doesn’t damage your hair. The other electrodes are applied with EKG-type sticky pads. These are necessary to monitor brain waves (we do not read your mind or your dreams), muscle movements, breathing, snoring, and heart rate. Soft belts around your chest and waist monitor your breathing. A sensor attached to your finger monitors your heart rate and blood oxygen levels. None of these devices are painful or dangerous and all are designed to be as comfortable as possible.

The sleep study, its analysis, and its interpretation are part of a complex process. After the study sleep, technologists process or “score” the large amount of data collected. A physician specializing in Sleep Medicine then interprets the information. This is a time-consuming and detailed process that may take some time to complete. Please feel free to call us with questions.

How will I be able to sleep with all those wires on me?

The wires are gathered behind you in a ponytail and it is attached to a box about the size of a small Kleenex box. This will enable you to roll over and change positions easily. The technical equipment and technologists are in a separate room from your bedroom.

Will I be able to get out of bed to use the restroom?

All you have to do is use the call bell and the technologist will unhook the ponytail of wires from the box that are attached to and you will be free to use the restroom. The wires, and the box they are attached to, will hang around your neck while you use the restroom.

What happens after my sleep study?

You will have a follow-up visit with your healthcare provider or a Sleep Specialist to discuss the results of your study. It is preferred that you wait until the sleep study results are available before the follow-up appointment is scheduled. Sleep study results are not generally discussed over the telephone because of their complex nature. To fully understand the results of your sleep study, their implications, and treatment options, you should meet face-to-face with a healthcare professional.

Can I leave my car at the hospital overnight?

Yes, parking is available in the visitor's lot or at valet parking.

We hope that your experience at the Center for Sleep Medicine will be a pleasant one. Understanding the sleep process and sleep disorders will help you take an active role in your care.

8 ulasan:

Unknown said...

saya nak komen pon xtahu nak komen apa..

x pernah lagi teman kat hospital

Mas said...

mas tak tahu pulak Ayu, tapi rasanya lepas tu memang kena tunggu kot sebab nak tahu keputusannya....harap Ayu bawa keperluan yang mencukupi...dan moga semuanya berjalan lancar yer ayu...

sekadar satu coretan said...

alamak tak tau la...belum ade lgi family yg ade kes mcm ni...

cube carik kat internet sape2 yg penah ade pengalaman mcm ni..

azieazah said...

Pada Kak Azie yang ulat buku ni, wajib membawa buku yang dapat mengisi masa lapang nanti.

Laptop mungkin menganggu, buku paling sesuai.

Semoga segalanya berjalan lancar...

kella said...

kita belum pernah ada pengalawan seperti ini kak...

semoga kak ayu dapat info yang diingini sebelum esok...

semoga dipermudahkan segalanya..

semoga kak ayu juga sentiasa tabah..

take a gud care!

sahromnasrudin said...

salam..saya tak pernah tahu akan ujian ini..sebenarnya utk ape???

Mama JnJnJ@Sue@Anang said...

err tak pernah lagi berdepan dengan situasi macam ni..tapi rasanya barang keperluan tu macam biasa kot..
semoga dipermudahkan olehNya

Anonymous said...


tak tahu nak tolong mcm mana..